Spring Is Coming!
The forecast is for more snow here in Calgary, which for some is terrible news because of road conditions, slippery sidewalks and that dreadful job of shoveling. For others, it’s a time to celebrate. Snowboarders and skiers are excited for the fresh powder, and farmer fields, gardens and parks are thrilled to have moisture in anticipation of the pending Spring.
Spring is just around the corner!
The anticipation of Spring brings excitement to the hearts of all Nature Lovers! While we wait for that first bud to appear, the desire for flowers indoors takes on a special need and we here at Blooms by Bloy are ready to deliver beautiful custom flower arrangements.
Are thoughts of planting flowers and vegetables growing in your mind? We can help you with design ideas for this year’s pots, planters and flower beds. As a Concierge and Onsite Design Service, we are here to help meet your needs.
Spring is also the beginning of several Events; mostly indoor for now but soon the warmer weather will allow more festivities outdoors. This is the time to begin planning, and we’re ready to assist you with ideas and visions to make your special event awesome!
Give us a call. We’d be happy to walk through our services and explain your options.

What better way to celebrate the start of Spring than a SWEEPSTAKES!!! Visit the Blooms by Bloy Facebook page for details. You could be one of two lucky winners of an arrangement from our Spring Collection.
Spring has special meaning for us this year. We’ve sprouted a new website! Please visit us at BloomsbyBloy.com to see our little seedling and check back to watch us grow, to see our featured arrangements and to view our ever-expanding floral art gallery.
Please forward this email to those you think might like to receive it and check out our new Facebook Page. Your kindness is always appreciated.
If you are in need of Flowers,
please remember us.
Raymonde Marie Bloy
Floral Artist
Blooms by Bloy
1 403 819 1205